Phone addiction

Report on a phone addiction            As a student of General Knowledge Education Secondary School Jesenice, I am writing this report for ITS. The purpose of the report is to present a new addiction that is on the rise as well as explain its reasons and try to...


Na začetku šolskega leta smo se dijaki 2.B odpravili na tabor. Prvi dan smo namenili geografski ekskurziji in okoli 17. ure smo prispeli v CŠOD Peca. V okviru tabora smo opravili tudi državljansko in zdravstveno vzgojo, kolesarili po rudniku in se zabavali na...

Math Competition

Why Participate in a Math Competition? There are several competitions in Slovenia on the topic of math, but each is special and different. I personally find all these competitions great as they allow me and other students to develop our talent. There are many reasons...